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About Tevilat Keilim

For information about which items require tevila, see the Star-K guide here. We also have a copy of the guide at the mikveh for your convenience. If you have questions, please contact your Rabbi.


We require either an appointment for your DIY session (use the DIY calendar below), or that you use our concierge service, dropping off your items during a specific time window and collecting them as arranged  (use the Concierge form below). In either case, items should be fully prepared* before you drop them off or immerse them yourself.  If dropping off, please package carefully to avoid breakage. We will be as careful as possible, of course, but if there are 12 wine glasses in a grocery bag, the outlook is not great.


*Fully prepared: no labels or packaging, items are clean and free of any residue or impediment to immersion.



Suggested donation for DIY: $1/item, capped at $36. 

Concierge service: $36 flat fee for most items,  additional fees may apply for large number of items (i.e. complete dinner service for 12). 

We want to make this as convenient and easy as we can, but without a live-in shomeret, availability is more constrained. Please understand that we are a very small organization run largely by volunteers and a single staff member. 

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