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Rosh Hashanah 5785


Dear Friend,


When looking back at the year 5784, it has been a terrible challenge finding ways to explain our communal experience and pull a sense of hope and clarity out of the mix. I would be remiss if I did not share how our organization was affected by the events of October 7th, subsequent antisemitism, and feelings of isolation in the diaspora. Fortunately, by design, our waters and tradition have been a constant source of divine comfort and connection for our visitors.

Over the last year we have catered to the needs of numerous brides, expectant mothers in their 9th month, and enhanced their experience with new decorations and amenities. We have increased our annual membership tenfold as our board has made a strong effort to include members of our ever-expanding Jewish community in our outreach for our second annual summer event. The event, a Mikveh “Shower” Tea Party, was well attended and permitted members of the community to contribute to our facilities as we are actively working to give our aging building a boost to improve efficiency of behind-the scenes work and enhance our user experience for all that we cater. There is still much work to be done and any of your generosity would help to upkeep our facilities and continue providing a sacred and safe space.

On behalf of our Board of Directors, I would like to thank Shira Eliassian, for her hard work and dedication to this community in her capacity as President. In her time as President, she has guided our organization through many big steps, including flawlessly implementing and coordinating a volunteer shomrot system as well as the creation of a security committee as we have worked together as a community to ensure safety for all of our constituents day and night. I am excited to step into this new role and to serve our community through such holy work. Please consider making a donation to Mikveh Bess Israel in recognition of the ongoing labor and dedication of the people who are making it easier for our community to continue observing this mitzvah in security and comfort.


Wishing you and your family a Shana Tova,

Diana Gold

Mikveh Bess Israel President

Previous Events

Summer Event 2024

Mikveh Shower Tea Party

Thank you to everyone who attended!

We've still got wishes on our list, so please feel free to browse and buy. 

View Registry Here

Summer Soiree 2023

Invitees gathered for an evening women's only event to meet community members and share our admiration of the greater Hartford Jewish community and the mikveh that connects us all over light refreshments.

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